Some of the Lime product line is imported. Please place orders 6 to 8 weeks in advance to ensure timely delivery for scheduled projects. With the purchase of Lime products, the purchaser is agreeing to have secured their own masonry consultant to approve the correct product use and its correct application. Natural Hydraulic Lime and other products, when sold as a binder alone, require that the correct, sharp, well-graded aggregates or inclusions be paired with the binder for the appropriate application. This includes proper water ratios to be used, when products require the addition of water, along with other critical installation details that must be adhered to correctly.
By proceeding to purchase and use the product and equipment line, the purchaser agrees to use all products and equipment at their own risk and further indemnifies and holds harmless against any liabilities, costs or expenses resulting from the purchase, loading, transport, use and intended success of any of its products or equipment. Lime makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the suitability of products and equipment for an intended purpose. Lime reserves the right to reject the loading of material onto and in vehicles or trailers that appear to be inadequate to safely handle the additional load of our products. If loading is rejected, then the purchaser must prove GVW Ratings with a recent, off-site scale receipt showing the empty weight and then allow Lime to compare the scale receipt against a State Registration Card which shows the laden GVW allowed before loading can resume. All sales are final. Policies are subject to change without notice.
Copyright and Disclaimer Statement:
All information and/or data pertaining to St. Astier products provided on this web site either directly or indirectly may be printed or distributed to third parties provided that no alterations are made and that the copyright is acknowledged. Under no circumstances should any part of such information and/or data be included in any website without the written consent of
Any information and/or data pertaining to St. Astier products posted on this website or any other affiliate who posts information directly or indirectly should be treated as guidance only. Information published on this web site., referring to performance, chemistry and applications of St. Astier products should only be used in conjunction with these products.
All recipes and guidelines are offered on a complementary basis and as a general guide for our customers without guarantee to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in them. The purchaser is solely responsible to determine the suitability of any product for any intended use and purpose.
Social Media: uses social media websites such as Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+ to share techniques and information as a way to share knowledge or examples. Any information or articles shared on social media from websites other than this site,, should be taken as informational or inspirational only. Please contact us directly for specific and current product or project information.