
Craftwork Training Center 2024 Workshop Schedule

We are pleased to unveil the Craftwork Training Center Workshop Schedule for 2024. Our diverse range of classes, spanning one to three days, encompasses various trade subjects. Participants will have the unique opportunity to learn from seasoned experts in repointing, plaster, brick repair, and more.

At the heart of the Craftwork Training Center is our mission to elevate the significance of “The ARTS” as a valuable life objective. We achieve this by teaching vocational crafts to participants through guidance from experienced mentors. Our center actively encourages professional artisans and aspiring individuals to refine their skills, enhancing their individual marketability and personal enrichment.

A key focus of Craftwork Training Center is especially to train newbies in a trade skill so that these emerging professionals can one day be able to earn a livable wage from the trade skill and not just take up learning a trade skill for personal interest. This focus is vital for the success of all trades as they remain well-endowed with skilled craftworkers. This can only happen if there is a viable and significant means to earn a quality living through a trade skill. Embracing the motto “NO STARVING ARTIST,” we advocate for hands-on trade work as an honorable and desirable profession. We intend to promote meaningful connections with building owners and professionals nationwide by promoting those craftworkers whom we network with. This networking approach aims to link all new job opportunities with those who have the skills, which we may have helped to foster, to follow through and get lucrative jobs from posted leads that come to our platform.

For those already in the contracting business and those who are seeking to add value through our training by upskilling their employees, the Craftwork Training Center offers this special networking platform to help accomplish this. We maintain a job leads link through

2 thoughts on “Craftwork Training Center 2024 Workshop Schedule

  1. India Clark says:

    Iʻm interested in your lime and plaster classes. Iʻm mainly interested in using lime for veneer more than masonry work. Do you offer an y courses on this?

    1. Anthony (LimeWorks) says:

      While not specifically on veneers, the practices taught in our Plaster Level II class would be applicable to a veneer plaster over a modern fiberglass mesh. What the class would not cover are things like detailing your drainage or anchoring, since these kinds of systems are not typical in the kind of traditional mass masonry wall construction we deal with most frequently. For more information, please give us a call and ask to talk to Gene.

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