Product Details
Ecologic™ Colorwash Stain Customized Product Description:
Ecologic™ Colorwash Stain Customized is a breathable, exterior, mineral-based silicate wall stain for projects that require a custom or designer color to match a paint swatch from a store or sample from an existing sample. By utilizing our custom simulation service you can go beyond our stock colors and create a truly breathtaking finish that closely resembles your paint swatch or existing paint.
Ecologic™ Colorwash Stain – (a translucent Potassium Silicate Masonry Stain):
Colorwash Stain is a translucent exterior potassium silicate stain that allows the masonry texture to come through the finish. Colorwash Stain is mildew resistant, water repellent, highly durable, and breathable.
Colorwash Stain is 96% mineral-sourced in a water-base. It is odorless within hours (zero VOCs) and displays all the properties of natural stone (i.e, it is water-vapor permeable.) It does not blister or peel, is water-repellent, and has a life expectancy of 20 plus years.
Mineral paints and masonry stains chemically bond to all forms of masonry substrates such as brick, stone, mortar, stucco, and cement. Unlike latex paints, they are non-film-forming which creates a permanent bond that works in harmony with the masonry.
For more options check out our Ecologic™ Potassium Silicate Paint
Stir well before use. Do not use if the working (air + substrate) temperature is below 41ºF (5ºC) or
above 100.4ºF (38ºC). Apply by brush, roller, or airless sprayer depending on surface roughness.
General Preparation
Surfaces must be rigid, absorbent, and chemically neutral or alkaline, dry, clean, and free of dust, oily residues, and grease. Remove any loose plaster and make good with alkaline absorbent filler. Old coats of latex and alkyd paints must be removed completely in order to restore surface absorbency. Protect adjacent glass, metal, ceramic, etc against splatters and remove unavoidable splatters immediately with water.
Not suitable for:
Wood (not stable), plastic, metal (non-absorbent), floors (mechanical abrasion) and gypsum plaster (not
chemically neutral).
These products must not freeze during warehousing or transport and may limit availability during certain times of the year. Please call for availability.

Colorwash Stain – 1 Gallon Coverage
Coverage 220-375 sq. ft. per gallon
Ecologic™ Colorwash Stain Designer Color Samples
Choose from over 100 designer color options to find the perfect stain for your masonry project.
Color variations available:
- For a less expensive and faster turnaround time, consider choosing one of our 13 stock colors here: Stock
The below images are for representation and comparison only. Due to different variables, such as computer screen resolution and color settings, the colors may vary when seen on-site. Please use this selection as a guide only.
Data Sheet
Color Chart
Colorwash Stain can be made more translucent by either by adding #99 – Clear ColorWash Stain to your mix or by diluting it with Ecologic Waterglass.
Check out our quick reference Mineral Paint Comparison Chart to learn more about the main differences between our Ecologic LimeWash Platinum, Ecologic Potassium Silicate Paint, Ecologic Colorwash Stain, and our Saint-Astier Lime Paint.
We approached the Lime Works staff about creating a scrubbed-worn white wash effect on the brick walls of our 1764 Portridge Plantation basement kitchen. Starting with a photo we sent of the Bacon Castle kitchen in Virginia, they custom blended a rather diaphanous looking white stain which we used as an undercoat. Over this, we used the pure white lime paint leaving some areas partially covered. We are very satisfied with the results. The Lime Works products are a joy to use because of their non toxicity and ease of application. We also noticed how luminescent the walls look, giving us a wonderfully bright, light filled room which previously had been so depressingly dark. We plan to continue using Lime Works products in other areas of our historic home.