Juried-Art/Master Certification
The LimeWorks®.us Quality Assurance System (LWQAS) is a system of checks and balances:
• Only LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installers may purchase the LimeWorks®.us products ending in -JAM which are being specified by architects for any given project or project phase.
• Only LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installers may install the LimeWorks®.us products ending in -JAM which are being specified by architects for any given project or project phase.
• Every LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installer must register their presence on the job site daily, when LWQAS is required, by entering their unique Key Code at Juried-Artist.com and following the easy to use prompts.
• The Owner's Rep or General Contractor will confirm that the LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installers are on the job site daily, when LWQAS is required, by entering their own unique Key Code at Juried-Artist.com and following the easy to use prompts.
Material failures have occurred by other product manufacturers who do not have a system of checks and balances built into a full circle quality assurance system. The LimeWorks®.us Quality Assurance System (LWQAS) has been created so that all stakeholders of a project can be assured that a properly trained workforce, which often represents the lowest qualified bidder, is able to prove their qualifications to install the LimeWorks®.us products that are specified. LWQAS requires both registration and verification so that only LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installers are the actual ones installing the specified LimeWorks®.us products each day a project is in motion. The best Historic Masonry Restoration Contractors can now be assured that the bidding will be on a level playing field when only LimeWorks®.us ''JAM'' Certified Installers are specified to install LimeWorks®.us products. LWQAS allows contractors to qualify themselves and earn their ''JAM'' credentials from LimeWorks®.us in advance and line themselves up with the winning team that plans for only a quality outcome in all installations of all LimeWorks®.us products that are specified on very important projects.

Dear Architect, Designer, and Specifier of LimeWorks®.us Products,
The Juried-Art/Master (“JAM”) Certification Program from LimeWorks®.us has been developed for you to institute the LimeWorks®.us Quality Assurance System (LWQAS) for the installation of our complete product line on your projects. Simply insert our suggested wording (in the red letters below) into your specification to follow steps A. B. C. for all LimeWorks®.us products, albeit for the Custom or Standard LimeWorks®.us products that you specify.
A. For every LimeWorks®.us product code you require in your specification, use the suffix -JAM at the end of the product name or its custom code: i.e. –
“Use Saint-Astier® Lithomex® in color Code LMBR-14-JAM as provided by deGruchy’s LimeWorks®.us”
Write into your bid documents the actual, exact LimeWorks®.us product code for the product specified from either the mortar analysis that we provided to you or the product that you and your consultant have already determined is correct for the project.
B. Write this wording into your specification so that all project stakeholders can be assured that only trained LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers are doing the installation of the LimeWorks®.us products specified:
“All Installers working on this project must be certified by LimeWorks®.us through their custom training program for the proper installation of each of the products specified for this project. Contact info@limeworks.us to obtain information on how workers can prequalify to become Certified Installers of each LimeWorks®.us product specified. The “Juried-Art/Master (“JAM”)” Certification by LimeWorks®.us is the quality assurance system built into this specification to ensure that the installation of all LimeWorks®.us products will be held at the highest level. It is, therefore, a requirement that only installers with the “JAM” Certification by LimeWorks®.us, for each product specified, may purchase and install the LimeWorks®.us products on this project.”
This wording will ensure that the awarded bidder will know that their workers must follow protocol and earn their formal “JAM” Certified Installer status from LimeWorks®.us, in advance of starting work, in order to purchase the LimeWorks®.us products ending in -JAM or to be allowed to install the LimeWorks®.us products specified for this project.
C. Write this wording into your specification to be sure you create checks and balances of accountability. The checks and balances ensure that those who have the certification from LimeWorks®.us to install the specified products are also the actual installers of the LimeWorks®.us products which are specified for your project:
“Awarded bidders must have their “JAM” Certified Installers log in at Juried-Artist.com daily and enter their unique Key Code and the Project Code to register their presence on the job each day of work.
Note to project bidders: The Owner’s rep or the General Contractor will also be logging in daily to Juried-Artist.com using their unique Key Code and the Project Code while the project is in motion. The Owner’s rep or the General Contractor will confirm, through a second level validation step, that the LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers who registered on the worksite each day are present on site. In lieu of or in addition to this, a LimeWorks®.us representative may be hired to come to the job site periodically to additionally check that those using their products are in fact LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers who have been formally trained and have completed and have passed the Certified Installer program for each product which authorizes them to install LimeWorks®.us products which are specified for the project. These checks and balances of accountability are structured in order to give the architect, owner, and stakeholders a greater degree of confidence that the LimeWorks®.us Quality Assurance System (LWQAS), for the proper installation of all LimeWorks®.us products specified, is being held to the highest level.”
All of the wording in red outlines the requirement that the LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers, who work for the awarded bidder, must register themselves as being on the job each day they are installing the LimeWorks®.us products that are specified. They do this by entering their unique Key Code at Juried-Artist.com and finding their name after the unique Project Code is also entered by them. They need to do this for LWQAS to be set in motion. Registered Architects, who are requiring LWQAS be used for their projects will receive in advance from LimeWorks®.us their own Key Code to access LWQAS at Juried-Artist.com. A unique Project Code will be created by LimeWorks®.us and given to the architect, the awarded bidder, and the Certified Installers so that each Certified Installer can find their name and photo under the Project Code, in order that the LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers can register themselves in daily when beginning work to install the LimeWorks®.us product specified. The Owner’s Rep or the General Contractor will also be given the Project Code so they can access the list of only those LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers who are listed for the project and who also will be registering each day they do any LimeWorks®.us product installations. An Owner’s Rep or the General Contractor must be assigned by the architect, through a prior agreement or in the bid documents, to perform this required second level of confirmation daily throughout the entire project duration. This second level confirmation is required to mitigate unauthorized installations of LimeWorks®.us product installations since it will be verified that the LimeWorks®.us Certified Installers listed for the project were actually present on the site each day when they register themselves as present for LimeWorks®.us product installations.
All of these steps are required to complete the full circle of the LimeWorks®.us Quality Assurance System (LWQAS). The checks and balances make the program effective and cannot be omitted from the required protocol.
Be sure to include all words shown in RED above in your bid documents.
All Juried-Artists in the art world are willing to submit examples of their work to undergo critique by a qualified review panel. After teaching the “JAM” Certified Installer classes the Technical Install Team trainers at LimeWorks®.us will judge the candidate’s work. If the candidate passes the test they will be issued a “JAM” Certified Installer Certificate for the product they were trained and approved to install. This certificate stays current for 7 years in which time it will need to be renewed with a refresher course. Join Juried-Artists- Get your unique Key Code and help raise the bar for quality installations found in the built environment which we will all inherit in the future.